FREE CHINA MOVEMENT 1319 18 St, NW, Washington, DC 20036 Tel: (301) 315-0515(Chinese), (202)962-4391, (703) 329-6836; Fax: (202) 862-4302,(703) 645-0206 Homepage:; Email: Persons to contact: Wang Xizhe: 301-315-0515, 301 219 4343(CELL) Ning Ye: 202-331-8248 Shengde Lian 202-256-2925(CELL) For Immediate Press Release: Time: 10 AM, December 27 1998 Location: in front of the United Nationas in New York City at 1st Ave. & 44 St. A Globally Orchestrated Hunger Strike Protesting Chinese Communist Dictators' Massive Persecution against Dissidents Wang Xizhe, the leader of Free China Movement, Coordinator of China Democracy Party Overseas Chapter, pronounced that an unprecedented national and international wave of protests in resistance against the Chinese Communist Dictators recently massive political persecution have been mobilized in and out of China. This global hunger strike protest will be started on 24th of December, 1998, inside China, under the first front coordinators Mr. Wang Zechen and Attorney Mr. Wang Wenjiang of Liaoning Province, China. The planned hunger strike will last 4 months continuously with substitutions in turn by volunteers. So far, 214 individuals from 23 provinces out of 30 Chinese provinces and regions have joined the collective, open protests. If the planned hunger strike is not cracked down by the Chinese communist dictators, the action will be an unprecedented open confrontation between the populously supported Chinese freedom and democracy forces and the morally collapsed communist regime which has no legitimacy in the eye of ordinary people of China. Wang also declared that he has just received the supportive and inspiring message from Hong Kong Alliance in Support of China's Democracy: The entire Board of Hong Kong Alliance, the largest Hong Kong pro-democracy organization has unanimously passed a resolution that Hong Kong Alliance will sponsor its Hunger strike on the same day with Mr. Wang Xizhe's 72 hour, supervised hunger strike held in front of the United Nations. Ms. Xu Jun, the daughter of Xu Wenli, has orally committed to join Mr. Wang Xizhe's hunger strike at same place, same time. At least 12 people have so far volunteered to join Mr. Wang in New York. (Chinese Version: Declaration of Hunger Strike begining at Dec 24 1998 against Chinese Governemnt's crack down of CDP members) 绝食抗议声明   中共政府总是指责西方说,冷战结束了,西方的冷战思维却没有结束. 那么我们要问:为什么冷战结束了,共产党的阶级斗争,一党专政的思维 却要坚持,不愿意结束呢?共产党为什么总要把一切和平从事言论、出版、 结社活动的人们视为敌对势力,连"萌芽"都要消灭呢?   共产党总是说,他们对国际条约,一贯是信守的.但现在他们暴露了, 他们已经把他们的欺骗,扩展到全世界了.   为了欺骗全世界,中共签署了联合国两个人权公约.但他们却丝毫没 有改变自己专制统治的意思,这就为十二亿中国人设下了两个巨大的陷阱. 如果有谁多少相信了一点中共签约的诚意,而去要求实践这两个公约的话, 那么,他们就会犯下"颠覆政权罪".果然,中国民主党和他们的代表人 徐文立、王有才、秦永敏等就落入这个陷阱了!   公约不是规定得很清楚:缔约国"承担保证",人人有权选择和组织 独立工会么?为什么徐文立、秦永敏号召组织独立工会,就算犯下了颠覆 政权罪?      公约不是规定得很清楚:"缔约国同意",人人有权自由地结社, "有权组织或参加国际工会组织"么?为什么徐文立、王有才、秦永敏结 社组党,寻求国际(境外)支持就算犯下了颠覆政权罪?   公约不是规定得很清楚:"缔约国同意",人人有自由发表意见的权 利,并有权不受国界的限制自由传播他的意见么?为什么徐文立、王有才、 秦永敏把他们的意见在"境外"发表,就算犯下了颠覆政权罪?   一个国家政权为了欺骗联合国,为了欺骗世界人民,不惜用签署庄严 的联合国人权公约为陷阱,诱使它的人民"犯罪",这本身是不是一种国 家犯罪?犯罪的这个国家政权--中国共产党法西斯政权,应不应该受到 联合国和全世界人民谴责和制裁?   联合国宪章规定,它的成员国屡次破坏联合国宪章原则,当然首先是 人权原则,就应当受到处分.我们要求联合国执行这个规定.   所以,我们来到联合国门前绝食.      我们是有力量的.我们的力量在于我们维护着人类道义的原则和良知. 而它本来是应该由联合国来维护的.   我们愿意承担痛苦.我们希望通过绝食的痛苦,让全世界听到我们的 声音. 签名: 王希哲 傅申奇 黄翔翔 连胜德德 等自由中国运动领导人及支持者 一九九八年十二月二十七日 (30)