Public Statement to Mr. Zhao Ziyang's Death


Public Statement to Mr. Zhao Ziyang's Death

By Free China Movement

January 17, 2005

A brilliant light of enlightenment has ceased to light; a great heart of humanitarian compassion has ceased to beat! We heard with shock that Mr. Zhan Ziyang has deceased under the continuing house arrest as of today, January 17, 2005!

While standing in this great man's symbolic shadow, we, the Free China Movement, its undersigned organizations and all members thereof, feel mournful to the death of Mr. Zhao Ziyang, the great man of enlightenment and of moral higher ground, at the historical turning point of contemporary China. We view Mr. Zhao Ziyang's death as an irreparable loss to the entire free mankind. In the meantime when we pass our hearty condolence to his family, his loved ones, we have to speak out our bitter confession for our part in such an on-going collective guilt of omission: we, together with the entire free world, have collectively missed all historical chances in best using of such strategic resources these great men left for us to push a fundamental change in the world's only remaining totalitarian empire: communist China, when these great figures such as Mr. Zhao Ziyang, are still breathing. Being part of what we alleged a Free World, we, the Free China Movement, have to bitterly confess to the Peoples, living behind iron curtain of communist regime, who are continuingly being enslaved by the dictatorship of proletariat, our part in this collective guilt of inaction, that we have failed to make any meaningful, or sizable efforts to cause any meaningful change in China's political landscape during an enough lengthy period of 16 years after Mr. Zhao lost his freedom in 1989 Tiananmen massacre; Such an wide spread epidemic of inaction and impotence has completely failed to answer millions and millions of oppressed People's call for effective leadership to mobilize their heroic struggles for freedom mushrooming through out China. For our part in this on-going collective guilt of pathetic inaction, we, the Free China Movement, tearfully confess, at this moment of mourning by all free mankind, including our 1.3 billion freedom longing fellow citizens yet to live free, that we have completely failed to live up to what His Lord and Peoples have commissioned on us: to end the totally corrupted regime of Stalinistic totalitarianism, and hence to bring the long awaited emancipation to our fellow human beings. This task could have been easily, and more painlessly achieved while such a great figure as Mr. Zhao Ziyang was still healthy. While standing up in his great symbolic shadow of humanity, we, the Free China Movement urgently call to the People of China, and to the Peoples' of all free mankind, to join our efforts, in one voice, to make the following happen, for sake of the deceased, as well as the living and breathing:

1. Hold the current CCP leadership in Beijing accountable for its continuing, and accelerating repressive policy towards any healthy reforming forces in and out of Chinese Communist Party, particularly to hold it accountable to Mr. Zhao Ziyang's unjustifiable death in his house arrest. Free China Movement has noticed, and wants to raise the world's attention to the credible charge that the recent collapse of Mr. Zhao Ziyang's health leading to his complicated syndrome of officially alleged pneumonia and respiratory failure was primarily contributed or caused by insufficient supply of heating to the confined place of Mr. Zhao's house arrest in the severe winter in Beijing. This deliberate rejection of sufficient heating supply to an aging house-arrest prisoner in severe winter season occurred Mr. Zhao was placed under the government's around o'clock watch and monitor. The authorities in Beijing has inescapable full duties to present full account of explanation to the entire world why this lack of heating supply could possibly happen.

2. Free China Movement demands that Beijing should allow an independent investigation by credible international committee of experts, such as Doctors Sans Border, to conduct independent investigations; As tentative measure before the Chinese People's Deputies can be truly elected by Chinese People, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, should hold investigative hearings concerning Mr. Zhao Ziyang's cause of death, and the surrounding circumstances causing and leading to his death.

3. We call for joint efforts by the Peoples of China, and the Peoples of Free World, to urge and press the current CCP leadership in Beijing, to immediately lift official ban on Chinese People's free expression of their mourns paid to their deceased leader of symbolic enlightenment. All official bans, government intimidation and harassment under any excuses of raison d'etat, against People's commemoration, mourning activities paying their respect to deceased Zhao Ziyang should be condemned and punished internationally.

4. At this tragic moment of national memorial, we call for joint efforts by the Peoples of China, and the Peoples of Free World, to urge and press the current CCP leadership in Beijing, to stop any further repression and human rights violations against all victims of 1989 Prodemocracy Movement;

5. At this heavy moment of national memorial, we call for joint efforts by the Peoples of China, and the Peoples of Free World, to urge and press the current CCP leadership in Beijing, to stop any further repression and human rights violations against peoples in their rightful pursuit of political and religious freedom;

6. At this tragic moment of national memorial, we call for joint efforts by the Peoples of China, and the Peoples of Free World, to urge and press the current CCP leadership in Beijing, to stop any further intimidation, suppression against an inevitable start of China's systematic political reform leading to end China's totalitarian legal and political culture.

7. At this tragic moment of national memorial, we call for joint efforts by the Peoples of China, and the Peoples of Free World, to make substantial efforts to help bring freedom and democracy to Chinese People by first helping form a powerful, well funded, well mobilized and unified political opposition movement in China.

Forever departed from us is body of this great person, however, the moral courage in standing up against the die-hard totalitarian Tiananmen butches mounted pressure is not perishable. Neither is the noble cause in lifting up China towards democracy, the noble cause he and his followers sincerely tried their best to jump start. The historical commitment in our own version has historically passed from the deceased to us. Let's stand up to continue our unfinished job through to the end.

Free China Movement

(01/17/2005 15:19)